Conventional to Unconventional … giggle giggle GIG!
The gig workforce refers to people who are engaged in livelihood outside the periphery of
conventional 9-5 employer employee layout. They are characterized by short term or temporary
jobs contrary to full time employment. The gig workforce is the upcoming economic revolution
globally. The gig economy is mainly characterized by flexibility and opportunities. The growth
drivers are mainly the rise of internet and mobile technology, economic liberalization,
demographic factors, side income generation growth of e-commerce. However, the gig economy
has been facing many challenges regarding lack of job and social security, lack of employee
benefits, lack of labour policies etc.
2020-21 77 lakh workers were engaged in gig economy.
2029-30 Expected to expand to 2.35 crore.
Gig Workers
Platform Based Non-Platform Based
(Digital Platforms) (Casual Wage workers)
The gig economy is revolutionizing the way we work. It is projected that India will see an
increase in gig workforce by 110 lakh by 2025. The gig economy can serve upto 90 million jobs
with a potential to add 1.25% to GDP on a long term basis. As India moves towards 5 trillion
dollar economy, the gig economy will be a major building block in bridging income and
unemployment gap. Platform led models of skilling and job creation should be promoted to
enhance the gig economy. Considerring every paraphernalia of the upcoming trends in Indian
economy Gravitons Centre of Excellence (skilling centre) will be providing transformational
upskilling for workers, imparted by “Professors of Practice” who are having industry knowledge
expertise of more than 10 years to add more know-how which will help you to stay focused,
retain information and climb up the career progress ladder and also can create horizontal and
vertical movement.