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Shu—Ha—Ri—The Stages of Learning

Shu—Ha—Ri—The Stages of Learning

Shu—Ha—Ri—The Stages of Learning

There are three stages to acquiring knowledge. It depends on an individual on how

you think and how you master your technique.

Shu- ipsissimis verbis

Learn the basics of a technique by following the teachings imparted by one master.

Imitating the teachings of your master word by word. Under this stage, the learner

obeys and follows the rules instructed by the trainer.

Ha- Conduct Experiments

This is the stage where you start experimenting. A stage where you incorporate trial

and tests. Learn the techniques from your master and play around the rules and


Ri- Innovation/ Transcend the rules

This is a stage where you emphasize on innovation. A phase of knowledge acquisition

where you apply your learning into variety of situations