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The Mantra For Pragati

The Mantra For Pragati

·      Highest number of universities is in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh followed by Gujarat

·      Female Gross Enrolment Ratio has overtaken Male Gross Enrolment Ratio since 2017-18

The above data reflects the enormous number of students with a similar academic degree qualifying in the year 2020-21. Everyone has the same qualification as you! (May be a better score compared to you) 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced the concept of skilling, reskilling and upskilling on his 72nd birthday to the youth of India. In today’s highly competitive job market it is highly difficult to earn a job you desire or you dream of. Companies are now looking for candidates with not only academic knowledge but also industry specific skills too. To bridge the gap between theory and practical application “upskilling” is mandatory. A constant effort of upskilling and reskilling should be reiterated now and then. Upskilling and reskilling will always facilitate career specialization.

        Upskilling: Learning additional skills to excel a particular job

        Reskilling: Learning a new set of skills to perform a different job

The World Economic Forum states that 40-50% of workers will require upskilling or reskilling by 2025 due to widespread adoption of automation. It makes sense to upskill yourself to stay relevant in this ever evolving job market. A three year college degree is not enough to get your dream job. An upskilling or reskilling has become the  norm of the season. The growing popularity of E-learning is the solution for upskilling and reskilling.

The roadmap to destination “success” is upgrade, upskill and reskill. “Success” is not a destination but a journey involving vectors.