+91-9513419208 ni.snotivarg%40troppus

Hands-on project on Full Stack Development 

Unlock Your Full Potential with the project "Hands-On Full Stack Development Project!" with comprehensive support from our industry experienced veteran.Take your coding skills to the next level and become a Full Stack Developer. The immersive hands-on project will equip you with the practical knowledge and experience you need to excel in this dynamic field.End of project submission timeline - each student needs to submit their code, description of project, instruction on how to run the project. End of 3 months - Completion Certificate

Course Module

A. Basics on HTML/ CSS●  Day 1 - 2 hours●  Day 2 - 2 hoursB.  Basics on Java Script●  Day 3 - 2 hours●  Day 4 - 2 hoursC. Creating a simple web application (orders) using React JS●  Day 5 - 2 hours●  Day 6 - 2 hoursD. Basics on Node.js●  Day 7 - 2 hours●  Day 8 - 2 hoursE. Basics on MongoDB●  Day 9 - 2 hoursF. Creating a simple web server (orders) using Node.js + MongoDB●  Day 10 - 2 hours●  Day 11 - 2 hoursG. Project – Hands-on (1 month) (Comprehensive online support)●  Day 12 - 2 hours (Consultation)
●  Day 14 - 2 hours (Consultation)
H. Evaluation of Projects (2 weeks)

Pre-Requisite for this course

    Information technology / Computer Science Students
    Freshers with own laptop/ computer 
    Basic Understanding of 1 Progamming Language
    Good Internet Speed (Wifi/3G/4G)
    Dedication & Confidence to clear any exam


3 Months

Course Fees 

INR 25,000 + Tax

Course Type


